Masks of SCU
Masks at Santa Clara!
Hey Broncos! We’re so sad we won’t be able to see your shining faces around campus this quarter, even if it’s just your eyes above your stylish masks. We know how important it is to continue to wear masks at this time and in order to make it fun and connect us with each other, we’ve decided to start a series: Masks of SCU.
The original idea was to walk around campus, find students with fun masks and hear their stories or find out where they bought it so we could buy one too! But, since we aren’t going to be on campus, we’re going to go on a submission basis, so if you have a sick mask you made yourself, want to plug your own mask making company or want to show off your favorite that you’ve bought, let us know and we’d love to hear from you! DM us on Instagram @scucollective or email us at
To start us off, we have a few members of our exec team, scattered around the US, sharing their favorite mask, who made them or where they got them from!